Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Slavery in the United States


From 1654 until 1865, slavery was legal in the united states, in fifteen states. Most slaves were black Africans and occasionally native Americans; they were held by whites.

Indentured Servants

Most indentured servants were poor Europeans. An indentured servant is required to work for only a limited of time. Their service lasted up to three to seven years.

Chattel Slavery

Chattel slaves are considered their master’s property. They were exchanged for things like trucks, or money. They were also used for breeding and sexual favors.


Joseph, Todd. "History of Slavery in America". .

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cairo, IL

Cairo Illinois is known to be the strangest town on the river. They say it feels like your visiting a motion picture set from the 1950's. The population is roughly 3,632, but the city was built to sustain a population five times larger. Cairo sits behind six foot walls to prevent rampaging rivers. 37"01'31.34" N 89"11'10.76" W

Monday, May 11, 2009


I'm sitting on a bridge observing my surroundings. It's an early gloomy, cold morning, and I'm very sleepy. I hear various birds chirping and the trickle of the stream; It's very peaceful. My eyes are glued to a black capped chickadee pulling worms out of the ground, it was very amazing. After awhile I became cold and decided to take a walk around to warm me up a bit. I came upon a bush and I wondered what the leafs felt like, and so I touched them. The leaf was dark green with a hint of yellow, the leaf was very smooth and had a rubber feeling to it. The town is very quite and deserted, it's the first time I've seen it like this. I heard a faded voice from far away and I knew it was the class coming around to get everyone. I sigh and suddenly I'm in a bad mood.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Johnny tremain, Ishi, and Across the universe

The movie Across the Universe, and the books Ishi, and Johnny Tremain have a lot of similarities. All three involve a war; Vietnam war, World war II, and revolutionary war. The books Ishi, and Johnny Tremain, apparently lived during the 1800's. All three face a problem that involves moving out of their homes. Ishi's tribe gets massacred and the few that survived have to hide. Johnny Tremain burns his hand and is no good where he is at and has to live out on the streets. Across the universe, the characters Jude and Lucy go off to New york city to find jobs. The movie and books have young characters that face troubles in their lives. I thought Across the Universe was pointless to watch and a waste of time. Ishi and Johnny Tremain were educational and fascinating to read.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring break :]

I was in Wenatchee most of my spring break on a family vacation. On our way to our cabin in the mountains we decided to stop in Leaven Worth to explore. It was very unique and fascinating. They had a taffy shop full of every type of taffy you could think of; my favorite was strawberry cheesecake. We spent most of our time there that day. The next day we decided to go on a hike a friend of ours told us about. I dressed in light clothing because it was slightly warm outside. When we arrived at the trail I saw that the place of covered in layers of snow. The first 10 minutes of the hike was harsh for me. I wasn't wearing appropriate shoes and kept sliding down the hill we were climbing. I accomplished my hike up the mountain. The view was amazing. The tall green trees caught my eye. There wasn't to much snow at the top but the ground was very muddy. I slipped and fell; I was a mess. Mud filled my shoes and snow covered my hair. On our way down the mountain my sisters ran the way down, I stayed close to my step mom and half sister. They were very slow and whinny so I ran ahead. I thought I was lost and started to panic. I yelled towards my step mom to see if she would answer but heard nothing in return. An hour walking alone I finally heard my other sisters, I ran toward their voices and caught up to them. After awhile my step mom and half sister also returned.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ishi, the last yahi

Ishi was the last member of the Yahi. In 1865, Ishi and his family were victims of the Three Knolls Massacre that killed 40 of the Yahi members,including his father; from which approximately 30 Yahi survived. Hunger often drove Yahi to take cattle or sheep, and eventually townspeople noticed, and Ishi was taken into custody by a local sheriff for his own protection. Anger often drove ranchers to take Yahi; they were hunted down, killed, kidnapped, and enslaved.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Mrs. Nakamura's point of view in 'Hiroshima', was talking about warnings about an attack, but there was no awareness. People were prepared and ready for the attack, but all-clear sirens were sounded. All of sudden everything flashed whiter than any white she had ever seen. Mrs. Nakamura was terrified and tried to gather her kids up immediately. On her way she fell and was buried; "Mother help me!", her youngest son, Myeko, was buried up to her chest. Her clawed her way out and saved her kids. She received news that is was a false alarm. Citizens of Hiroshima never discovered exactly what hit them.