Monday, March 30, 2009

Ishi, the last yahi

Ishi was the last member of the Yahi. In 1865, Ishi and his family were victims of the Three Knolls Massacre that killed 40 of the Yahi members,including his father; from which approximately 30 Yahi survived. Hunger often drove Yahi to take cattle or sheep, and eventually townspeople noticed, and Ishi was taken into custody by a local sheriff for his own protection. Anger often drove ranchers to take Yahi; they were hunted down, killed, kidnapped, and enslaved.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Mrs. Nakamura's point of view in 'Hiroshima', was talking about warnings about an attack, but there was no awareness. People were prepared and ready for the attack, but all-clear sirens were sounded. All of sudden everything flashed whiter than any white she had ever seen. Mrs. Nakamura was terrified and tried to gather her kids up immediately. On her way she fell and was buried; "Mother help me!", her youngest son, Myeko, was buried up to her chest. Her clawed her way out and saved her kids. She received news that is was a false alarm. Citizens of Hiroshima never discovered exactly what hit them.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Cat Years

Some parts of the story "The Cat Years,"I agreed with and I did not agree with. The way she compared cats to teenagers I did not agree with. Cats are affectionate and loving. It also depends on the cat; all cats have they're own personality. I agreed when she compared puppies to children. Children have enthusiasm, and are loving, and caring. Children also have their own personality.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

American Revolution

General Burgoyne was overconfident and skilled. He realized that winning the war was going to be more difficult than he thought. After seven years of war came effective American victory on the battlefield in October 1781, with British recognition of the United States' independence and sovereignty in 1783.

5 minutes of my life

I arrive at school; everyone is obnoxious. It's to early for me, and I'm cranky. My friends run up and greet me, but I give them a glare. I don't talk to anyone; I speed walk to my 1st period. When I got there I threw my backpack down and sat with an attitude. The first bell rung and students are swarming around trying to get to their first class. I was relieved, first period started sooner than I thought.