Thursday, September 18, 2008


This Morning I did not want to get up. I wanted to stay snuggled up in my warm princess blankets, so I set my alarm for 5 more minutes. The 5 minutes went by fast, so again I set it for another 5 minutes. Those 5 minutes went by fast also, but I knew I had to get up. It was hard because I didn't get enough sleep. Every morning it's the same; I take a shower, eat and head off for school. This morning wasn't the same though. I kept on getting into fights with everyone. I made my sister cry, I argued with my step mom and also made my other sister cry. I was very, extremely cranky. Almost everyone in the school hates getting up so early, why don't they just start school later in the day? I was dying for a bagel with mounds of cream cheese on top, but when I went to go eat one they were all gone. It felt like I was about to cry, actually I did cry. I decided to just pig out on bananas. I got to first period 2 minutes late and my stomach was already growling for food. Luckily I packed some Apple Jacks. I ate those and I was still hungry. I packed nothing else but soup for lunch. I went up to the library to complete my work Mr. Ratekin gave me. I couldn't get anything done. My computer kept shutting off and first period students wouldn't shut up. My morning wasn't going the way I wanted it to go.


Cassandra, Norah, Caitlin and I loved the Backstreet Boys concert. It took the longest time waiting for the backstreet boys to come out and sing; I was about to explode. I saw masses of girls crowding around the fence, I shoved my way threw and climbed the fence. Once I got to the point where I can look over, I saw Aaron Carter! I snapped one great picture of him, and couldn't get anymore because sweaty, smelly girls where pulling me down so they could get up. It was hectic, I tried to get out of the crowd, but couldn't. The crowd was increasing and people were spilling drinks on me. I became furious and started knocking people down just so I could get out. I ran back to my seat; I couldn't miss The Backstreet boys. My heart was pounding, I heard the song" Backstreet's back" and I knew any second they would appear. I waited and waited, all of a sudden it was dark. The lights flashed back on and there they were in a boxing ring singing and dancing. I screamed with excitement! Nick Carter looked so hot up there it felt like I was about to faint. I wish I could've gone up there and snatched Nick Carter away, so I could take him home with me. It was the most exciting night ever.
The best part was I didn't even have to pay for my ticket, Cassandra did. Thank you Cassandra!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The first day being an 8th grader at LMS

The first day at LMS was great. I was excited to see all my friends and wondered what my teachers would be like. It turns out all my teachers were wonderful. It felt great to be an 8th grader and knowing that next year I would be in highschool. I wasn't signed up for an elective, so I decided to sneak into Apprenticeship for the first day. Apprenticeship wasn't for me so I signed up for Publications. I was assigned into Video yearbook, in Publications; It wasn't the part I wanted but it's better then nothing. I hope school will get better and better each day.