Thursday, September 18, 2008


This Morning I did not want to get up. I wanted to stay snuggled up in my warm princess blankets, so I set my alarm for 5 more minutes. The 5 minutes went by fast, so again I set it for another 5 minutes. Those 5 minutes went by fast also, but I knew I had to get up. It was hard because I didn't get enough sleep. Every morning it's the same; I take a shower, eat and head off for school. This morning wasn't the same though. I kept on getting into fights with everyone. I made my sister cry, I argued with my step mom and also made my other sister cry. I was very, extremely cranky. Almost everyone in the school hates getting up so early, why don't they just start school later in the day? I was dying for a bagel with mounds of cream cheese on top, but when I went to go eat one they were all gone. It felt like I was about to cry, actually I did cry. I decided to just pig out on bananas. I got to first period 2 minutes late and my stomach was already growling for food. Luckily I packed some Apple Jacks. I ate those and I was still hungry. I packed nothing else but soup for lunch. I went up to the library to complete my work Mr. Ratekin gave me. I couldn't get anything done. My computer kept shutting off and first period students wouldn't shut up. My morning wasn't going the way I wanted it to go.

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